Cartoons Dogs

Phone call

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8 comments on “Phone call

  1. Just adorable!! 🥰🐶

  2. Inge Scott

    I completely relate. I love it!

  3. I love it! 😂 One of my life philosophies is “better a four legged dog in bed than a two legged one!” It’s always beautiful to see a woman who has her priorities straight. 🥺+🐾🐶=😊😊😊

  4. 😂! That’s me, too. I just talk all day to my dog, just like a regular person to person conversation. It leaves people in stitches if they overhear our “chatty exchanges!” I swear my dog understands the gist of my words; She answers accordingly with sighs, boofs, and lots of facial expressions.

  5. This is so cute🥰🥰

  6. That is great and so very true!! Love it!!!

  7. Soooo true!! My neighbors laugh because I leave the TV on when I go to work so my dog will have “company” in the form of voices and when I’m traveling I call the kennel and have them put the phone up to his ear and I talk to him. He barks and jumps around in response.

  8. This is so relatable. Love your sense of humor and art work Amy.


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